Thursday, October 31, 2019

Significance Testing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Significance Testing - Essay Example A research project always has the goal to investigate the causes and the reasons and thereby to be able to draw the conclusion in the basis of the changes that take place. Responses that have been counted in this vase are the independent or the dependent variables or the predictors (Park, 2005). In statistics sampling is referred to as the selection of a portion of the population whereas this is the sample that represents the major part of the population. Sampling types in this case include the convenience, accidental, quota sample, random sampling as well as the cluster sampling. In this case it has to be seen as to what the margin of error is in the specific sampling technique. Main problems that are faced in this case is the sample bias where the sample is not the representative of the whole population thereby the sample has to be chosen rather carefully. Importance that has been used in the statistical testing is that in the research projects it can be used to test the data in the experimental basis, so as to draw the conclusion that are based on the facts representing the major part of the population. ... Statistical hypothesis testing has been considered to be one of the main techniques in the frequentist statistical inference, and still it has been seen that this is the technique that has been under criticism. An important role is played by the statistical hypotheses testing in statistical inferences. It has been said by statisticians that the hypothesis testing although has many shortcomings and still there are many changes that are needed but it is the technique that plays central role in theory as well as the practice of statistics (Levin, 1998). When the null hypothesis are being tested than the main point that has to be taken into account is the effect size. As it has been known that here are four main parts of the statistical answers and they are inclusive of the effect size, the sample size, the alpha level that indicates the significance level of the newer or the odds that have been observed by the answer by the significance testing and the last one being the power that indicates the odds that have been observed by the reader of the research results. It has been estimated that tout of these for components there are some components that can be manipulated and this all depends upon the situation and the circumstances in which the research of the project has been carried out. The main point that needs pt be argued here in this case that the null hypothesis is known as the null hypotheses as it has the no difference or no effect case. The main statistical technique that has been facing the discussion hitherto by the professors, the researchers is the significance test. It has changed its face into a controversy from being just the topic of discussion these days. Since many years

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Expatriate Selection, Training and Support Essay

Expatriate Selection, Training and Support - Essay Example Global HRM specialists assert that it is important for MNCs (Multinational Companies) to attract, recruit and retain employees who can work and live successfully in other countries. Various models are used to determine traits of good expatriate managers (Camilleri, 2011:35). The choice of models of characteristics of good expatriate managers for international assignments has been a long and complex affair (Chew, 2004:15). Past models indicated that functional or technical expertise has been the basis of choosing expatriate managers for various assignments (Sonja, 2003:555). Intensified attempts aimed at identifying appropriate expatriate managers were based on recognising personal characteristics of candidates that could enable them serve as better expatriate managers (Fajana, 2011:58). In other words, training improved their survival during the assignments (Camilleri, 2011:35). Though the models selection may vary according different nations, they are all based on potential characte ristics and functional capabilities of prospective candidates (Huang and Lawler, 2005:1670). It can observed that early studies made out specific issues that could influence the success or failure of expatriate managers, originally very little was done to come up with a systemic approach to the expatriate selection process.It is clear that systemic, organisational and environmental issues impact on an expatriate’s success or failure that were observed from research done on expatriate selection  ... On the other hand, the explanatory approach has been recently adjusted to a predictive approach that takes into account a study of personality characteristics of potential expatriate managers (Budhwar and Sparrow, 2002:377). Specifically, researchers pay more attention to the predictive approach using the big five personality characteristics (Jens, 2007:25). The five characteristics for expatriate success include extroversion, agreeableness, emotional stability, conscientiousness, openness, and intellect. Despite the fact that personality characteristics are said to have predictive power in relation to the success of expatriate managers, the practical research to support this position is insufficient (Semerae et al., 2007:71). An all-inclusive study conducted on the big five characteristics found that conscientiousness was concluded to be the best predictor for individual performance (Jackson, 2002:14). In addition to, the link to organisational performance using this approach as the primary selection is somewhat uncertain. Moreover, the big five attributes the development of classification of soft skills that have been used in expatriate manager selection (Azolukwam and Perkins, 2009:23). Various skill classification schemes have been used to demonstrate the objective of practitioners to set up multiple means to forecast the success of expatriate managers (Price, 2000:45). The Ashridge Management Research Centre stated five skill categories with different items in each classification (Harvey and Novicevic, 2001:71). These include language capabilities, openness to different cultures, strategic awareness and adaptability environmental situations. Other studies that support the soft skill model have increased the number of

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Uses of Religion in Advertising

Uses of Religion in Advertising The way the message is presented, both pictorially and verbally, has a significant effect on the processing of the advertisement. However, it is acknowledged that attitude depend not only on the physical stimuli but also on the stimulis relation to the surrounding field and a whole range of factors within the individual, including the cultural background, experience, personality/cognitive style, values, expectations, and the context in which something is perceived (De Mooij, 2009; Usunier Lee, 2005). Due to this, its widely agreed that when an audience encounters an advertisement, the reaction to it depends on the meaning they assign to it, which in turn depends on characteristics of both the advertisement and the members of the audience (Veloutsou Ahmed, 2006). Advertisers need to understand their audience before encoding messages so that they are credible and generate positive responses. Otherwise the perception may be negative, disbelief or rejection. To ensure that a stimulus produces favorable response, advertisers have to analyze where attitudes stem from and what influences attitude. Positive attitude could result in positive response to a particular advertising stimulus and positive attitude toward the advertisement. This positive attitude could influence purchase intentions (Severn et al., 1990) and even lead to the audiences brand choice without examination of beliefs on specific attributes, because it allows for the retrieval of an overall evaluation with minimal processing (Dotson and Hyatt, 2000). Evidence suggests that advertisements are processed subjectively by individuals, on the basis of the group membership (Leach Liu, 1998). Cultural groups differ in their values, attitudes and prejudices they possess, and thus each group will read the advertisement distinctly and develop its own shared reactions, interpretations and meanings of the advertisement (Leach Liu, 1998). In a cognitively diverse world, a message that is sent is not necessarily the message that is received. Advertising could be more effective when it provides information and uses language that is consistent with the preferences of the audience, because customized advertisements may be more successful than generic one-size-fits-all (LaBarbera, 1998). Values guide and determine attitudes and behavior, which are the core of culture. Advertising reflects and influences cultural values. Therefore, advertising appeals that depict value orientations consistent with the intended audience is likely to be more persuasive than advertisements that depict inconsistent value (Leach Liu, 1998), a fact that advertisers should take into account when creating their messages. Advertisers use cues, such as culturally similar actors, shared cultural symbols and preferred language to produce the intended meaning, in the hope that the cues will be decoded by the audience (Veloutsou Ahmed, 2006). In the following sections the role of religion, as a factor that influences both the advertisement execution and attitude formation will be reviewed. Religion and Advertising Religion as an institution significantly influence on peoples attitudes, values and behaviors (Arnould, Price, Zikhan, 2004) at both the individual and societal levels. According to Peterson and Roy (1985), religion provides a source of meaning and purpose for people; it makes life understandable and interpretable. Religion fosters established practices and provides a series of tools and techniques for social behavior (Hawkins et al.,1980; Schiffman and Kanuk, 1991) therefore, religion and its associated values and practices often play a pivotal role in influencing peoples everyday life. This role is activated and executed through rituals and symbols. Rituals and symbols are focal elements in transferring religious courses and meanings to people which consequently shapes their values, beliefs, and behaviors. Religious self-identity, formed as a result of the internalization of the role expectations offered by the religion, suggests the potential influence of religiosity on ones beha vior and consequently what is considered right or wrong in that perspective (Vitell et. al, 2005). Moral values of right and wrong define what is allowed and forbidden for marketing and consumption and how this marketing strategy should take place. Hirschman (1983) points out that religious denominational affiliation may be viewed as cognitive systems. A cognitive system is a set of beliefs, values, expectations and behaviors that are shared by members of a group (Berger, 1961; Gurvitch, 1971; Merton, 1937). This perspective suggests that members of a particular religion may possess common cognitive systems, which may influence that groups behaviour (Hirschman, 1983). In a series of studies, Hirschman (1981, 1982, 1983) found that religious affiliation had an influence on novelty seeking, information search and a number of consumption processes such as choice of entertainment, transportation and family pets. Hirschman (1983) concluded that few other variables have exhibited the range and depth of explanatory power offered by religious affiliation (Esso Dibb, 2004). Even though attitudes and behaviors are directly influenced by at least religion-rooted aspects of culture, religions impact on consumption-related behaviour have been only very modestly studied in the marketing literature (Mokhlis, 2009). According to Hirschman (1983) there are three possible reasons for this shortfall. The first reason for the slow development of literature in this area is the possibility that consumer researchers are unaware of the possible links between religion and consumption patterns. The second reason is a perceived prejudice against religion within the research community; once being a taboo subject and too sensitive to be submitted for investigation (i.e. the potential for inadvertent offence and the legal protection afforded freedom of religion). Finally, she claims that religion is everywhere in our life and therefore may have been overlooked by researchers as an obvious variable for investigation in the field. Although Hirschman made this assertion some y ears ago, it is still true today. To date, few studies have investigated religion as a predictor of attitudes toward advertisement. Existing studies on advertising and religion mainly examined the influence of religion on attitude toward advertising of controversial products (De Run, Butt, Fam, Jong, 2010; Fam Grohs, 2007; Fam Waller, 2003; Fam, Waller, Erdogan, 2004; Michell Al-Mossawi, 1995). However, a review of the pertinent literature showed that most of these studies observed this influence from the point of marketing communications. Examining whether religion and intensity of religious belief has an effect on the attitudes towards the advertising of controversial products, Fam, et al. (2004) found a significant difference between the four controversial product groups (gender/sex related products, social/political groups, health and care products, and addictive products) and the four religious groups (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and non-religious believers). Their results revealed that Muslims found the advertising of gender/sex related products, social/political groups, and health and care products most offensive relative to the other three religions. In addition, the religiously devout respondents were more likely to find advertising of gender/sex related products, health and care products, and addictive products more offensive than the less devout followers (Fam, et al., 2004). Second area of research in the field of advertising and religion has primarily focused on the presence of religious values in advertisements(Al-Olayan Karande, 2000; Kalliny, 2008). For example, in a cross cultural content analysis of magazine advertisements in the U.S. and Arab countries, Al-Olayan and Karande (2000) found that in Arab advertisements women tended to be portrayed in advertisements in which their presence was related to the advertised product. This was indicated to be in compliance with accepted Muslim religious tenants (Henley Jr, Philhours, Ranganathan, Bush, 2009). In another research to investigate the impact of religious differences on advertising execution in Arab world Kalliny (2008) found that there were major differences among the Arab countries where Egypt and Lebanon were found to depict women who are dressed less modestly than Saudi Arabia and U.A.E. Developing alongside the literature focusing on the two above-mentioned of the research area is another cluster of studies that explores the consumers reactions to ads containing religious cues or symbols (Dotson Hyatt, 2000; Henley Jr, et al., 2009; Lumpkins, 2007; Taylor, Halstead, Haynes, 2010). These studies tried to shed the light on the advertisement processing through measuring  Taylor and his colleagues research examined consumer reactions to the use of a Christian religious symbol (the Christian fish symbol: Ichthus) in advertising by running two experiments. Their controversial findings revealed that consumers have varied reactions to Christian messages in the secular marketplace and that responses depend on their religiosity levels. The results of their follow-up field experiment with adult consumers indicated a significant Christian symbol by evangelical religiosity interaction on perceived quality and purchase intentions such that the Christian symbol enhanced consum er evaluations and the effects were stronger as evangelical religiosity increased. They have also found that consumer source perceptions of the marketer in terms of attitude similarity, trustworthiness, expertise, and skepticism mediated these interaction effects. But their second study which was a lab experiment conducted with young adults revealed an unusual backlash effect of the Christian symbol on purchase intentions for some consumers and contrasting mediation results (Taylor, et al., 2010). In another study to investigate consumers responses to ads with religious cues Henley et. al (2009) examined the effects of Christian cues or symbols on relevant and irrelevant symbol product ad evaluations. The study indicates that religiosity of the respondent has a significant moderating impact on the evaluation of an ad (Aad, Ab, and PI) that has a relevant Christian symbol Moreover, and possibly most significantly, the interaction effect between relevancy and  religiosity indicate that this interplay combines to significantly affect the diagnostic efficacy of the ad including attitude toward the ad, attitude toward the brand, and purchase intentions for higher religiosity respondents under relevant conditions (Henley Jr, et al., 2009). The finding of this research corroborates Dotson and Hyatts (2000) findings. Dotson and Hyatt (2000) specifically studied the use of religious symbols as peripheral cues in advertising in a replication of the elaboration likelihood model (ELM). In ads for pet health insurance, the authors manipulated argument strength and the presence or absence of the Christian cross as a peripheral cue. Product category involvement and level of religious dogmatism were found to be related to attitude toward the ad, attitude toward the brand, and purchase intention, however, not in the expected directions. Low involvement subjects who were high in religious dogmatism had a less favorable attitude toward the brand and lower purchase intention when exposed to ads containing the cross. High involvement subjects who were also highly dogmatic had more favorable feelings toward the product when the cross was present in the ads. ELM suggests that the low involvement subjects would have responded more favorably  to the cue (Dotson Hyatt, 2000). P 2 Existing studies of advertising suggest that cultural values either influence the production and execution of advertising or are reflected in the content itself (Chang, et al., 2009). religious rooted aspect of culture directly or indirectly influence attitudes and behavior Islamic values and Advertising Rice/almousavi/lughmani/karandi/olayyen/malezi/keenan ramazan/ Muslims consider Islam to be a complete way of life (Kavoossi 2000, Lawrence 1998). Indeed, one of the characteristics that distinguish Muslims from followers of some other faiths is that the influence of religion is very clear in every aspect of the Muslims life (Rice Al-Mossawi, 2002). The Sharia is a comprehensive code governing the duties, morals and behavior of all Muslims, individually, and collectively in all areas of life, including marketing and commerce (Luqmani, Yavas and Quraeshi, 1987). It completely describes the values that Muslims should hold, such as truth, justice, honesty, social obligations, collective responsibility and the roles of men and women (Al-Olayan Karande, 2000). It is beyond the scope and scale of this study to discuss the whole characteristics of Islamic values. But we refer to some of which implies more attention in advertising industry. According to Islamic social philosophy all spiritual, social, political, and economic spheres of life form an indivisible unity that must be thoroughly imbued with Islamic values. This principle informs such concepts as Islamic law and the Islamic state and accounts for Islams strong emphasis on social life and social duties (Fam, et al., 2004). The Islamic law, Sharia, which sets all that one should do, derives from four main resources of Islamic teaching. These resources are Koran (Muslims holy book which is Gods wording), Sunnah (the divinely inspired conduct of the Prophet Mohammad), Aghl (reasoning), and Ijma (consensus of opinion) (Coulson, 1964, p. 55-59).(Al-Olayan Karande, 2000). Islam has not addressed many of modern phenomena such as marketing and advertising explicitly, but its comprehensive value system explicates should and shouldnt which consequently influences advertising content, execution and evaluation. In an attempt to relate basic Islamic values to advertising implications Rice and Al-Mousavi (2002) elucidated these values and their advertising implication. Some of these values which Muslims should follow are truth, honesty, politeness and social and collective obligations and responsibilities. Muslims should keep away from falsehood and deception everywhere in general and in trade and financial dealings with others in specific. They could not tell a lie and should avoid exaggeration. This suggests that advertisers should strive for excellence as an end in itself, in addition to communicating truthfully about products and services (Rice Al-Mossawi, 2002).Therefore Muslims process exaggerated messages in advertising as lie which intends to mislead them. Muslim activities are categorized as lawful (halal) and prohibited (haram) (Rice and Al-Mousavi, 2002) which constitute a system of values for assessing others speaking and behavior as well. Eating pork ,carrion, and carnivorous animals , gambling, drinking alcohol, nudity and idol worship (statutes inclusive) are prohibited (Chachu a, Kucharski, Luba, Ma achowska, Martinovski). Advertisements which portray some of these prohibited elements make people feel offended or be perceived as offensive. advertisement that ignore these implications will not be effective and have the adverse affect on the sale (Michell and Al-Mossawi, 1995). Regarding the globalized hegemonic content and form of advertisements which was somehow contrasting with Islamic values, Muslims tend to the negative evaluation of advertising. Research in Saudi Arabia has shown that over 70% of Muslim respondents think that advertising is a threat to culture of Islam (Al-Makaty et al., 1996). (Keenan Shoreh, 2000). In a global survey of attitudes towards advertising in 22 countries, conducted by the International Advertising Association in 1993,results indicated that: Egypt was the only market where respondents were consistently anti-advertising (Wentz, 1993, p 1, cited at Keenan Shoreh, 2000). Keenan and Shoreh (2000) conducted a research which shows that Muslims think that advertisements present western values and ignore Arab history and customs. Their investigation into the Egyptian main media (Al-Ahram) content in the period of 1975 to 1995 revealed that around 50 percent of items focusing on advertising had a negative, anti- advertising tone (Keenan Shoreh, 2000). According to Fam (2004), Muslims found the advertising of gender/sex related products, social/political groups, and health and care products most offensive relative to the other three religions. Moreover, the religiously devout respondents were more likely to find advertising of gender/sex related products, health and care products, and addictive products more offensive than the less devout follower. (Fam,, 2004). To overcome this shortfall, in addititon to further consideration of Islamic values, some advertisers utilized Islamic elements to produce a favorable feeling among Muslims. For example some advertisement utilized Quranic words to enhance the influence of the ad and make it more appealing to Muslim consumers. Examples are the words Bismillah (in the name  of God; a phrase used by Muslims before beginning any action) or Allahu akbar (literally, God is greater)(Rice Al-Mossawi, 2002). Luqmani et al. (1989) provide an example of a manufacturer of water pumps that uses a verse from the Quran in advertising: We made every living thing from water. In another example a distributor of Royal Regina honey capsules in Saudi Arabia successfully ran a contest that included a question on how many times bees are mentioned in the Quran, along with questions and information about the product (Luqmani, Yavas, Quraeshi, 1993). His work gives an evidence of the influence of Islam in advertising Authors also have reckoned that the most important Muslims religion characteristic is that the influence of religion is very clear in every aspect of live. This influence is fortified in some special time like Ramadan; the fasting month of Muslims. The month of Ramadan is the holiest time of the year in Islam. Fasting during Ramadan is one of the frameworks of Muslim life, along with faith in one God, prayer from the Koran five times daily, charity for those in need, and making the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. It entails a list of prohibitions between the hours  of sunrise and sunset. Beyond the fasting that is central to Ramadan, the entire month is a period of increased spirituality and religious contemplation for Muslims. As a result , this empowered spirituality affects the whole sphere of Muslims life including their consuming behavior and marketing communication. Keenan and Yeni (2003) compared ads run during Ramadan and those run during a non-Ramadan period in Egypt. Findings s how fewer ads during Ramadan, more emphasis on charity messages during Ramadan, and more conservatively dressed characters in ads during Ramadan. According to Keenan and Yeni (2003) advertisers intentionally tone down the way they present women in their commercials. This might be interpreted as a form of respect for the Islamic principles and values of Ramadan (Keenan Yeni, 2003). Representation of Hijab in advertisements In the symbolic space of communication, identities have to be constructed through language and pictures and cultural symbols of identity such as the hijab take on enormous significance (cf.Dholakia and Zwick, 2001; Schau and Gilly, 2003). Relogious symbols, notabely, take on a sacredness that gives them a very strong presence and power in many peoples daily lives. The wearing of religious dress and symbols is an important expression of an individuals religious identity. It may reflect the wearers understanding of the requirements prescribed in their tradition or their belief that wearing this form of dress or these symbols as a mark of their religious commitment helps to enhance their spiritual life. It may also reflect a desire publicly to affirm the identity to which these are linked. This interpretation and affiliation might emerge in information processing among Muslims when they encounter a message carrying this religious symbol. Hijab as a symbolic expression of Muslims clearly symbolizes a womans religious affiliation; it also shapes Muslim womens independent identities standards (Macdonaldi, 2006). Hijab , further to religious identification, functions to perform a behavior check, resist sexual objectification, afford more respect, preserve intimate relationships, and provide freedom (Anderson, 2007). According to Bullock (2000) Muslim women in west who cover their head, see hijab as a way of projecting a Muslim identity and refuting an imitation of the west. Frances controversial new law banning the overt display of religious symbols in school, directed at the wearing of the hijab, brings to the forefront the enormous contemporary significance of the veil as a historically and culturally constructed symbol of female Islamic identity (Zwick Chelariu, 2006). Westerners often regard the hijab as a symbol of backward cultural and gender politics and even fundamentalist extremism (Brenner, 1996)(Zwick Chelariu, 2006), but the practice of hijab among Muslim women is based on religious doctrine. Islam stresses that women should dress modestly and encourages women not to show too much of their bodies in public. Surat Al-Noor-Aih-31 in The Koran, the Muslims holy book addressed the issue of womens modesty by stating: And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what ordinarily appear thereof that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers (kaliny, 2008). Scholars have interpreted this Koran passage differently, but most scholars take this message to mean that women may show only their hands and face to men outside of their immediate family (Rice Al-Mossawi, 2002). The guidelines provided in the Koran might not be strictly followed in the contemporary Muslim countries. A range of practices exists among Muslims regarding the times and places -ranging from prayer only to all the time that women are expected to be veiled. This different perception influenced advertising industry among Muslims world. While in Saudi Arabia and Iran it is forbidden to show other than the above-mentioned body parts, in Dubai in United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Egypt, the most liberal outdoor advertising is presented in the European version (Karande and Kiran, 2000). In a content analysis of pan-Arab, Egyptian, Lebanese and Emirati magazine advertisements, Al- Olayan and Karande (2000) found that in 83 percent of Arabic advertisements showing women, they were wearing long clothing, compared to 29 per cent in US advertisements. Furthermore ,Arabic advertisements show women in advertisement if their presence relates directly to the product and if they are appropriately dressed, that is, wearing long dresses and a head covering that does not expose any hair (Al-Makaty et al. 1996). Luqmani et al. (1989) describe how, in Saudi Arabia, advertisers of cosmetics refrain from picturing sensous females. Instead, in typical advertisements (an example is the Dove cleansing bar), a pleasant-looking woman appears in a robe and headdress with only her face showing. In Malaysia, Islam also exerts great influence on advertising regulation. The Islamic principle of covering the aurat (i.e., private body parts) for women and the prohibition of using women as sex symbols in advertising are strictly enforced (Wah, 2006). For instance, the Malaysian advertising code stipulates that female models portrayed in advertising must be fully clothed up to the neckline. The length of the skirt should be below the knees. The arms may be exposed up to the edge of the shoulder without exposing the underarms (Advertising Code forTelevision and Radio, 1990).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Environmental Effects of Fossil Fuel Exploration and Extraction Essay

As the fossil fuels, such as coal, gas, LPG and coal mixed gas and so on, has been used in the modern production process since the industrial revolution happened, the environment effects of fossil fuels’ exploration and extraction is the biggest concerns for public life. To illustrate this, data collected by Marland, Boden, Andres, Brenkert and Johnston (2003) points out that the fossil fuels industry has caused the release of approximately 337 billion metric tons of carbon to atmosphere since 1751, and the greenhouse gases’ accumulation caused by the industry can increase the risk of heat waves, droughts, malnutrition and other disasters (Haines, Kovats, Campbell-Lendrum and Corvalà ¡n, 2006), leading to social panic and complaints. Fossil fuels’ exploration and extraction in this essay refers to an industrial process of prospecting the petrochemical resources and transferring it to consumable goods. The environmental effects of this process could be varied; th is essay will focus on air pollution, land subsidence and the degradation of water quality. Initially, air pollution is considered as a negative effect of exploring and extracting the fossil fuels due to the increasing content of carbon dioxide and air dust. Since fossil resources were found and applied, the global warming issues become worse due to the increasing content of carbon dioxide. For instance, Arup(2013) states that 759 million tons more carbon dioxide will be produced if coal production keeps expanding over the level of 2011 and this will push emissions over carbon budget, causing the failure to control the climate change. Moreover, the increasing content of solid particles or air dust during this procedure may also a threat to general air quality. According to G... ...& Johnston, C. A. (2003). Global, regional, and national fossil fuel CO2 emissions. Trends: A compendium of data on global change, 34-43. Moffatt, S., & Pless-Mulloli, T. (2003). â€Å"It wasn’t the plague we expected.† Parents’ perceptions of the health and environmental impact of opencast coal mining. Social science & medicine, 57(3), 437-451. doi: 10.1016/S0277-9536(02)00369-6 Shi, T. G., Jiang, L. G., Li, Y., & Yang, Y. L. (2013). Disaster Analysis and Countermeasures of Land Subsidence caused by Coal Cutting in China. Chinese Geographical Science, 13(2), 130-133. Tiwary, R. K. (2001). Environmental impact of coal mining on water regime and its management. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 132(1-2), 185-199.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Game Industry Forecast Shows Solid Growth

The global game industry will generate $60 billion in revenue for 2011, and is growing at 10% annually according to a new research report by industry analyst Colin Sebastian for RW Baird. That growth rate should see overall industry revenue hit $80 billion by 2014, but the some areas of the business will remain flat or even decline, while other areas will be growing at an annual rate of 15% to 20%. The growth areas that Sebastian sees are in online and mobile games, â€Å"driven primarily by downloadable content (DLC) and mobile games† and social games to a lesser extent.These areas will be growing annually at a rate of 15% or more for the next several years, Sebastian believes. Unfortunately, other areas of the game business won't be faring as well. He sees packaged software sales staying flat this year, with the growth in Xbox 360 and PS3 sales being offset by the decline in Wii and handheld game sales. This quarter will see strong sales with many big titles coming out, but that positive sales picture will only be enough to pull the sales out of the loss category for the year.The good news for the game business is that it's the only media business with a strong positive growth forecast for the next several years. Newspapers, magazines, music, TV and other media businesses are struggling with the transition to a digital distribution model, but the high level of innovation in the game industry has kept the overall picture positive. That's not to say there are no problems; Sebastian sees â€Å"many video game companies will continue to struggle through this transition. † Sebastian sees the mobile market as bringing in $2 billion in revenue this year, with growth continuing due to rapid adoption of smartphones and tablets.He cites studies showing that games are the leading applications on smartphones, and consumers consumers have been very willing to pay for games or for in-app purchases with â€Å"freemium† hgames, which now represent the ma jority of revenues for mobile games. Sebastian believes tablets can be the next great market for games, given that the form factor is better than a smartphone for playing games. Studies also show that gaming is the number one usage of tablets, with over 70% of tablet owners playing games on the devices.The difficult business climate for traditional game companies means there are fewer clear winners to invest in right now. Sebastian sees GameStop as a good holiday play given the large number of AAA titles coming out this quarter, and beyond that he picks Activision and Electronic Arts as the best performers for long-term investors, followed by Take Two. The nature of the game market is changing in the USA, according to studies cited by Sebastian. He points to the Entertainment Software Association study showing 72% of US households play games, with the average age of gamers being 37.Additionally, more than half of gamers play on their phones and other handheld game devices, and women now represent 42% of the gamer population. † It's a far cry from the traditional â€Å"our market is teenage boys of all ages† that used to be the only demographic for game companies to care about. Sebastian sees hope for the core games segment, in that the broad appeal of casual games may get more people interested in gaming, and eventually looking for the deeper experiences that console games and PC games can offer. He sees the PC game market doing better in 2012, mostly on the strength of hit releases like Diablo III.Handheld devices, lead by the Nintendo 3DS and the Sony PSP (and soon the PS Vita) will be flat in 2012, with the launch of the PS Vita helping to offset the shift to smartphones, at least for a while. Sebastian believes the PS Vita may be able to take the leading position from the 3DS. Finally, Sebastian sees social games continuing to grow and develop in depth and richness, eventually being able to appeal more to core gamers. Console games will add mo re social elements, too, and eventually social games outside of Facebook will become more popular.He sees growth rates surpassing 10% annually for the next 3-5 years. The current leaders are Zynga, with 262 million monthly average users (MAU), followed by Electronic Arts with 203 million MAU. Overall, it's a complex portrait of a rapidly growing and changing industry. Clearly there are dangers ahead for many companies as business models are changing, and once-profitable businesses are seeing their audiences depart for other types of gaming. Successful companies will be the ones who stay flexible as conditions continue to change rapidly. What's your opinion on the future of the game industry?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Extended commentary of ‘The Darkling Thrush’ by Thomas Hardy Essay

On the title: A thrush is a bird; plump, soft-plumaged, small to medium-sized, often inhabiting wooded areas. They feed on the ground or eat small fruit – but aren’t famed for their songs. Examples include a robin. ‘Darkling’ is an archaic word for ‘a creature of darkness’ or ‘in the dark’. Hardy uses it in its latter sense – the bird appears in a very gloomy scene, at the end of the day, at the end of the year (and century, for that matter). It also has negative connotations as well, however – for obvious reasons. Potential other implications: ‘darkling’ is perhaps used to create a diminutive form of the thrush (like a ‘duckling’). Other critics have identified the title as explaining, or preparing the reader for the unexpected advent of the bird half way through the poem, appearing into the scene from nowhere. Perhaps Hardy was attempting to use an antiquitated word to further demonstrate the bird is bringing joy to a dark land, and that there exists an enormous time difference between the new century and the old? Overall Structure: Hardy uses four regular eight line iambic stanzas; in either ‘tetrameter’ or ‘trimeter’, depending on the length of the line. This meter creates a poetic lilt, with alternate stressed feet. It seems very out of place in such a depressing poem – we must question why this is. Does it reflect the hope expressed at the end of the poem, or prepares us for it? Or does it tell of an oddity within the persona; is his negative manner actually genuine – perhaps we shouldn’t accept the persona’s judgment/emotions to the same extent as he’d like us to? His choice of rhyme scheme and meter along with the harsh subject fail to match up. Themes: Time (passing of century), Isolation, Man and the Natural World. Difficult Language Notes: ‘Darkling’ – discussed above. ‘Illimited’ is an archaic form of ‘unlimited’. First and Second Stanza Notes: As usual, Hardy presents us with an image, this time of a landscape – a depressing one, at that. This poem was published at the end of the century – 31st December 1900 (Hardy was one of those people who believe that a century is complete when the hundredth year is over.) It is very cold and frosty and the day is growing to a close. It really is the end of a century. And Hardy presents us with a very clear image of death – he later personifies the Century itself as being dead. The first two stanzas are full of death-language: 1. â€Å"When Frost was spectre-gray†. A clear example of ghost imagery (‘a spectre’). This line is of interest on its own, due to the obvious personification of ‘Frost’. This is a good place to make a key note about the poem itself. Throughout, we discover a distinct Hardy-esque style; the environment is unpleasant and it demonstrates his usual antics in animism. Hardy develops complex (and often deeply personal) symbolic systems which deal almost exclusively with the natural world. The reader is made personal with non-human entities like frost and birds but avoids people – even the persona is a subject avoided in great detail. 1. Back with the ‘death imagery’, â€Å"The weakening eye of day†; a comment on the darkening sky – the day is dying. 1. â€Å"All mankind that haunted nigh† – haunted is clearly a reference to death and ghosts. Hardy is commenting on the lack of human life in his scene; they â€Å"had sought their household fires†. A further indication of the low temperature. Is it a hint that the world is ending? Or is that just a little extreme? In any case, note how the rest of humanity are seeking light in an otherwise dark environment. The second stanza contains an extended metaphor involving the dead century, but we need to examine the first stanza more before moving on. Hardy’s persona is leaning upon a coppice gate – a gate into a small woods or ‘coppice’. It is a highly ambiguous persona (another thing to explore), but he leans nevertheless. The scene is wintry, indeed, along with Frost, Winter is personified equally – â€Å"Winter’s dregs made desolate/ The weakening eye of day.† The dregs of the season indicate a very cold atmosphere; one without much colour. Clearly this has emptied the scene of any colourful sight upon which the â€Å"eye of day† weakens. The day is ending; thus dusk darkens the scene. â€Å"Tangled bine-stems scored the sky/ Like strings of broken lyres†. As before mentioned, the persona is standing in woodland, thus â€Å"Bine-stems† are tree branches. Hardy’s comparison of them to broken lyres is interesting. Lyres are a) harmonious in Classical literature and b) belong only in Classical literature. Hardy is clearly stating that the scene is not ‘harmonious’ or perhaps the ‘death-lament’ later mentioned isn’t. Or is it also a reference Hardy’s romantic passion for the past, that it was somehow better than the day in which he writes? Second Stanza Notes: The first four lines of this stanza deal explicitly with Hardy’s ‘dead Century’ metaphor. He imagines the land before him as â€Å"the Century’s corpse outleant.† Quite what ‘outleant’ means, I have no idea, (The OED has confirmed that ‘outleant’ is not, nor ever has been a word) but â€Å"his crypt [becomes] the cloudy canopy† (the cloudy sky) and â€Å"the wind his death-lament†. One need not explain it in any more detail; the implications are quite explicit. Hardy’s persona clearly didn’t approve of the past century, but had yet to indicate an emotional reflection on the future. He imagines England as a rotting corpse, essentially. However, note the use of the verb ‘seems’ – is all as it seems? However, Hardy goes on to write even more damningly of his persona’s scene. ‘The ancient pulse of germ and birth’ – the regenerative power of life, following Winter’s onslaught – ‘was shrunken dry and hard’. Nothing appears to be growing back – is this another indication of the end of the world, or certainly of an era. Hardy appears to be making the simple change of an arbitrary number into something quite different, and more serious. A degeneration of life itself. Indeed, â€Å"every spirit upon earth/ Seemed fervourless than I.† Very negative. Observe how silent the description is up to this point in the poem. There is an implied sound in both the death-lament and of broken lyres, but otherwise, the sound is non-existent. That changes soon. Here comes the VOLTA. Third Stanza Notes: â€Å"At once a voice arose among The bleak twigs overhead In a full-hearted evensong Of Joy illimited;† Hardy emphasizes a sudden change with the words â€Å"At once† – indeed, there are multiple changes which create this volta: * Note the sudden inclusion of sound – the thrush is singing! This breaks the poetic still (of death) which has held the poem so far. * The length of ‘sentence’ also changes. Note the semicolon at the end of these four lines above. Previously, each quatrain had completed with a full stop. Perhaps Hardy is opening up his poetic form to mirror the sudden movement in the lines themselves. The use of enjambment accentuates this. There are perhaps religious connotations with ‘evensong’. Much as Hardy may simply be again referring to the mundane fact that the bird is singing a ‘song’ and ‘eve’, we pray that the man is capable of higher minded comparisons. These vaguely religious nuances are maintained throughout the poem. The crucial fact is that the mood has changed, perhaps. â€Å"Of Joy illimited† suggests a pleasant image, which stands in stark contrast to the surrounding gloom. â€Å"An aged thrush, frail, gaunt, and small, In blast-beruffled plume,† Yet the mood is suddenly plunged back into the red with Hardy’s following lines. The thrush, which is, admittedly, a very odd bird to chose (not famed for their song), is an elderly figure in a storm – hence the ‘blast-beruffled plume’. In this otherwise grim situation, the reader’s immediate concern is whether the bird itself is going to survive at all! The use of â€Å"frail, gaunt, and small† mirrors the ghoulish imagery used in the first two stanzas – the thrush is alive, for certain, but perhaps the persona questions for how much longer? Note how the thrush is NOT personified. Every other element of the natural world takes an animated form, but not the bird! Why does Hardy do this? â€Å"Had chosen thus to fling his soul Upon the growing gloom.† Perhaps desperation is the key word in this stanza, but also hope. There is a powerful message in the face of this ghoulish bird; that, in spite of all the darkness and death, the thrush maintains his song. Stanza Four Notes: â€Å"So little cause for carolings Of such ecstatic sound Was written on terrestrial things Afar or nigh around,† Once again, Hardy’s use of enjambment allows for the lines to ‘bleed’ into each other – in a direct contrast to the poem’s former rigidity. Perhaps he is now gathering momentum for a change in mood? Yet, in terms of sense, Hardy appears to be doing the opposite. He states that the bird has no reason to be singing a joyful song amongst so much desolation. However, perhaps, by even considering such a fact, the persona’s own deep-rooted pessimism is beginning to shift away? On some key language points: * Note more religious emphasis: ‘carolings’ typically sing hymns at Christmas time. Hymns are definitely religious! * Perhaps there is an equally religious connotation which Hardy applies to his comments on the ‘terrestrial things’. If there is not any cause for singing about things on Earth, then perhaps, reciprocally, there is cause for celebrating the sky, or heaven? â€Å"That I could think there trembled through His happy good-night air Some blessed Hope, whereof he knew And I was unaware.† It is a rather ambiguous ending upon which Hardy chooses to conclude, but he achieves a sense of dramatic effect through it. The persona realises the presence of (a perhaps religious) hope, in the fact of utter desperation, but it is unintelligible to him. In an odd way, the reader is forced to consider whether the persona is being entirely accurate: * Can one be unaware of something, yet still able to write about it? * Does this tell us that the persona, as a Modernist, is able to perceive such an uplifting messages but unable to interpret them in such a way as to ‘release’ himself from the ‘dark’? Hardy himself was a modernist and therefore dwells upon an odd lot of ideas. Amongst them was ‘searching for hope/meaning to darkness and cruelty’. Despite being a realist, he was deeply influenced by Romantic notions (look them up) – perhaps this exploration is one of them? * The use of ‘blessed’ again implies a deified presence within the thrush’s message. Is the persona experiencing some divine inspiration?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Discounting the Myth of the First Three Years

Discounting the Myth of the First Three Years Introduction Today, more than ever before, most parents have accepted the notion that the first three years of a child’s life are critically important in determining whether or not the child will mature into an individual of high mental and cognitive abilities. Proponents of the ‘myth of the first three years’ argue that much of the child’s brain development takes place within the first three years and, therefore, parents need to utilize this time-frame to ensure their children gets the best start to life (Bruer, 1999).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Discounting the Myth of the First Three Years specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, controversy surrounds the issue, with current literature revealing that brain development does not shut at three years of age and that there is no objective evidence to indicate that the first three years are of critical importance in the development of var ious abilities that enhances individual success (Gormley et al., 2010). By relying on literature and practical experience, this paper purposes to demonstrate that there is no such thing as the myth of the first three years. Towards Understanding the Myth First coined by Bruer (1999), the myth of the first three years presupposes that â€Å"†¦the first three years of life determine, in an all-or-none, once-in-a-lifetime manner, the success of a child’s development across the lifespan† (Lerner, 2002, p.124). The description implies that the first three years are critical in shaping a child’s cognitive and learning abilities to a point where this period in a child’s lifespan determines whether or not the child will succeed or fail in life (Gormley et al., 2010). As a consequence of this myth, many parents interested in the success of their children might believe that by the time the children enrolls in kindergarten and grade schools, all the brain devel opments critical to their success in life will be behind them. The concept have received criticism from various quarters for putting unnecessary pressure on parents to utilize the first three years to develop their children’s cognitive and learning skills or else risk condemning them to a life of failure. However, neurobiological and behavioral studies conducted over time in addition to our own experiences demonstrate that brain development and cognition are not exclusively limited to the first three years of life. Critiquing the Myth Gormley et al (2010) notes that the first years of life are critical in the development of a child due to a number of varied reasons, which orients more towards attachment and emotional development than towards cognitive development. Indeed, the first few days are critical for the newborn to develop appropriate attachment tendencies to its primary caregiver. A wealth of literature also demonstrates that significant brain development and cognitiv e growth takes place during the first years of life (Lerner, 2002), thus the years form a critical phase of the child’s overall development and growth. But the suggestion that the child’s brain development is exclusively limited to the first three years of life is, at best, an understatement that lacks scientific justification.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Lerner (2002), â€Å"†¦the brain remains an instrument for learning and development across life and, indeed, there are data pertinent to very old age that indicates that cognitive development and learning can occur in the ninth and tenth grade of life† (p. 124). My own personal experience gained through rearing my first two children indicates that teaching kids in the first three years ultimately benefits them later in life, but it is not in itself a plethora of how successful the y will become later in the lifespan. Studies have found that the nature of synapse formation and the cultivation of some synaptic circuits depend to a large extent on the immediate environment and experience (Lerner, 2002). An average child undergoes a multitude of experiences in his or her life time and, in deed, no single experience is likely to impose a domineering influence on the child’s development. As such, a child’s cognitive development and learning should be understood as a life-long process that is shaped by daily experiences not limited to the first three years of life. Positive interactions in the first three years of life will inarguably aid the child to form sharp cognitive skills and mental capacities, but cognition and learning goes past the three initial years to encompass the entire lifespan. In this context, parents may use the first three years to jumpstart their child’s learning and cognitive development, but they should not lose hope that all is lost when the child fails to open up within the first three years. The human race enjoys a long evolutionary history that is filled with numerous life experiences. Studies have revealed that â€Å"†¦many of the so-called enriched experiences some parents seem to intent on providing their children will likely not matter later in life† (Lerner, 2002, p. 125). It is well known the education system changes with the needs of the society and, as such, it is only plausible to suggest that encouraging children in the first three years of life through providing them with enriched experiences is one among several ways that can be targeted on the youngsters to improve their mental and cognitive capabilities (Gormley et al., 2010).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Discounting the Myth of the First Three Years specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Learning contexts automatically change as one progress through the li fespan, and early reinforcement assists the child to adapt adequately to environments as they change. In this context, it can be argued that the learning processes that takes place in the first three years offers the child a platform that can be used to relate to upcoming experiences as they continue to learn and develop cognitively. From my own experience with children, I learnt that providing enriched experiences during the first three years offers the child a distinct advantage when it comes to learning and the development of trust and self-control components, but it does not imply that learning, cognitive, and mental development stops at the lapse of the first three years of life. The fact that the brain develops dramatically in the first three years of life cannot be denied (Learner, 2002). However, parents should consider these years as comparable to erecting a strong foundation for a house. In this respect, the first three years, when well utilized, offers the child a solid f oundation to base their further mental and cognitive growth and development. To suggest that development of these critical capacities stops at three years is analogous to arguing that the house is complete just because the foundation has been laid. Building the house requires more time, resources, and energy, just as is the case with developing mental and cognitive capacities. Unless development continues throughout the lifespan, the child will obviously experience deficits in his or her mental and cognitive capacities. This argument provides strength for the socialization process as a key determinant of the child’s mental and cognitive development. Various studies have positively correlated the process of positive socialization with the development of critical mental, emotional, and cognitive capacities, and there is compelling evidence that greatly socialized children are more likely to be successful later in life (Bruer, 1999). However, socialization is a life-long process which cannot be limited to the first three years of life. As such, the first three years should be used to aid the child in developing behavioral patterns that may be critical in determining how well the child is able to socialize with peers later on, but the lapse of the three years should not be construed to mean the end of the socialization process or any other process that assist the child to grow mentally and cognitively. Moreover, studies have revealed that â€Å"†¦even those systems whose development is tied to sensitive or critical periods (e.g. our sensory system) provide some flexibility both in the quality and timing of certain experiences† (Lerner, 2002, p. 125). This assertion implies that the quality and timing of certain life experiences is critical to the mental and cognitive development of the child rather than the bracketing of the first three years.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It would be impractical to expect a six-month old baby to master the alphabet just because he or she is in the first three years of development and the mother is engaged in exposing the child to the alphabet. In consequence, early reinforcement becomes a secondary but important component aimed towards the child’s mental and cognitive development, and the quality and timing of the life experiences exposed to the child will principally determine his or her mental and cognitive capabilities. Various developmental theories such as Sigmund’s psychoanalysis view the child’s development as a process involving various interconnected phases (Lerner, 2002). Many of the theories adduce evidence to the fact that each of the phases of development is intrinsically important towards the holistic development of the individual. Some of the phases of development occur when the child is past the age of three and, as such, it could prove difficult to tie the child’s mental a nd cognitive development to the first three years of life. The structural arrangement of most of these theories refutes the possibility of a myth of the first three years in as far as human development is concerned. To argue that the success of a child’s development across the life-span is predominantly determined by the first three years is synonymous to adopting a largely mechanistic framework for understanding human development while it is known that development relies on a multiplicity of factors that may not necessarily interrelate in a mechanistic way (Gormley, 2010). For example, my first-born child was discovered to have a learning disability when he was enrolled in a preschool program known as Head Start, but the child has risen against all odds to perform well in grade school. This example reveals that though the preschool learning assisted the child, his mental and cognitive development was not tied to these formative years of development. This is in line with the various theories of individual development. Studies have also adduced evidence to the fact that some children may exhibit a specter of intelligence during the formative years of development only for them to become dull and unproductive later on due to indulgence in certain behavior patterns such as alcoholism and drug use and abuse (Gormley et al., 2010). This line of thinking demonstrates that life-time experiences rather than the first-three years of life are critical in shaping the intellectual and cognitive life of individual. The world is full of examples of individuals who were bright during one phase in their lifespan only for them to deteriorate due to varied factors affecting their immediate environment. As such, the first three years of life must never be seen as the foremost factor in determining whether or not a particular individual will succeed in life. Similarly, our life experiences have shown us that life is much more that the first three years upon birth, and every day is a learning experience. The experiences we undergo on a daily basis helps to sharpen our mental and cognitive abilities, and no single study has ever mentioned a phase of active life where cognitive development and learning ceases to take place (Bruer, 1999). Conclusion From the discussion, it is clear that some of the arguments that perpetuate the myth of the first three years have no basis at all. Our own experiences reveal that learning and cognitive development cannot in any way be limited to the first three years as the myth suggests. Consequently, our responsibility to our children, particularly in efforts geared towards making them succeed in life, must be distributed throughout the course of their lives rather than focusing attention to the first three years of life. It cannot be denied that the first three years can offer a solid foundation to a child’s further cognitive development and learning, but parents must also know that human development is a life-long process (Lerner, 2002). To limit our focus on the first three years would not only be short-sighted, but it would go against the rules of science. Reference List Bruer, J.T. (1999). The myth of the first three years: A new understanding of early brain development. New York, NY: The Free Press Gormley, W.T., Philips, D., Adelstein, S. (2010). Head start’s competitive advantage: Myth or Reality? Policy Studies Journal, 38(3), 397-418. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier Database Lerner, R.M. (2002). Concepts and theories of human development, 3rd Ed. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Wise Decision Essays - Crime, Penology, Illinois, Brian Dugan

A Wise Decision Essays - Crime, Penology, Illinois, Brian Dugan A Wise Decision A Wise Delay Governor Ryans decision to suspend the death penalty is already starting to have a valuable impact on the rest of nation. Other states are starting to aid in Governor Ryans quest to improve death penalty systems. Last week, a representative from the state of Wisconsin, requested that President Clinton put a hold on executions until the federal death penalty system can be reviewed. Clinton is an avid supporter of the death penalty and only promised to consider it. Since 1973, eighty-five people have been released from death row in the federal system because of mis-verdicts. Twenty-one federal inmates still remain on death row. Juan Raoul Garza is one of these death row inmates. Despite the governments past mistakes, he is scheduled to be executed this year. President Clinton should think long and hard before reopening the federal death chamber. Because the federal justice system dose not do its job correctly, many innocent people may have or will die on death row. According to the article, A Federal Execution Moratorium-misconduct, unbelievably erroneous evidence and false testimony by jailhouse informants can and has lead to mistaken verdicts. Rolando Cruz is an excellent example of a terrible mistake made by the federal government. He was convicted of the 1983 rape and murder of ten-year-old Jeanine Nicarico, and put on death row. His freedom was suspended to him even after Brian Dugan came forth to admit his sole involvment in the murder. Cruz remained on death row while prosecutors try to prove Dugan was lying! DNA testing proved that Cruz was not the source of semen samples taken from Nicarico's body; however, Dugan was a perfect match. Cruz remained on death row. November 4, 1995, 12 years after his original arrest, Cruz was released. Not only did Cruz loose twelve prime years of his life; He almost lost his whole life. Judge Ronald Mehling said he released Cruz because the initial murder investigation was sloppy, very sloppy, and the government's case against Cruz was riddled with lies and mistakes. It is suggested in the article that a wise approach to this problem would be to appoint a commission to study the federal death penalty system. I am in agreement that Clinton must suspend the death penalty until the bugs in this system are totally irradiated. More states need to come forth to force Clinton to see that he needs to do more than think about suspending the death penalty. Taking innocent lives is wrong. no matter who or how powerful you are!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A close focus on act III of The Crucible Essay Example for Free

A close focus on act III of ‘The Crucible’ Essay The Crucible (395) , John Proctor (276) , Tituba (113) , Giles Corey (38) , Actions (5) Haven't found the essay you want? Get your custom sample essay for only $13.90/page ? The play, ‘The crucible’, shows how people react to mass hysteria caused by a group of people, as people did during the McCarthy hearings in the 1950’s. The â€Å"House un-American activities committee† searched for communist sympathisers because they were felt to be a threat to the state. Many Americans were wrongly accused of being communist sympathisers and were convicted and sentenced without any real evidence of them having committed a crime. Mere suspicion was classed as evidence. And like the during the witch hunts, anyone who spoke out was accused which made defending yourself a death wish. This is how McCarthyism was linked with the witch-hunts that had taken place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. The title of the play describes exactly what was happening at the time of the witch-hunts. A crucible is a container in which metals are heated to extracted the pure element from impurities, and crucible is another word for a cauldron that witches use to brew their magic potions in. So the word ‘crucible’ could metaphorically be used to explain how the activities in Salem were like a potion brewing in a cauldron with the potion being ‘mixed’ to separate the witches (impurities) from the good, god-loving citizens (element). The opening scene of the play shows the girls dancing in the woods around a cauldron, they are spotted by Parris who also see’s that one of them is naked.  The people of Salem were Puritans and so dancing was perceived as a sin.  The morning after the dancing, two of the youngest girls cannot wake from bed. A doctor is called to help the girls but he cannot diagnose what is wrong with them or how they can be helped, His only advice is to look to the unnatural. The girls do not confess to their activities until Parris confronts them. Abigail says all that they did was dance and strongly denies that any of them were naked, ‘Uncle, we did dance.’ ‘There is nothin’ more. I swear it, uncle.’ Mrs Putnam, the mother of the other ill child, believes that her daughter Ruth and Parris’s daughter Betty’s illnesses are caused by the devil. Parris calls for Hale who is an expert on ‘demonic arts’  Parris is the minister of the Village, much to the Putnam’s dismay. Mr Putnam’s brother was in competition with Parris for the position of minister and so the Putnam’s have a grudge against not only Parris, but the Nurse family who prevented him from being minister and many of there neighbours for various reasons. Especially with Giles Corey who has worked out that the Putnam’s will do anything to get their hands on other peoples land, ‘This man is killing his neighbours for their land!’ John Proctor also has a grudge against Parris. Hale arrives in Salem, He is a confident and well education young man who believes he has all the answers. As he is examining Betty Giles Corey distracts him by asking him questions about his wife. Giles says that his wife reads strange books whilst they are in bed and while she is reading, he cannot pray. Hale carries on trying to help Betty with little effect. Parris tells Hale that he thinks he saw a kettle in the grass with the girls in the wood with something moving inside it. Hale questions Abigail but she denies that she drank blood and called the devil. Abigail then realises that if the truth is found out she will get in a lot of trouble and so she passes the blame onto Tituba, Parris’s black slave, by saying that Tituba forced her to drink blood and even blames her wicked dreams on the slave. Tituba confesses to save herself from being hung. She mentions four people’s names that she supposedly saw with the devil. Abigail mentions more and more names and then the rest of the girls join in, mentioning the names of anyone they hate, have a grudge against or just dislike. As the girls cried out more names, the hysteria began to grow.  By accusing others of witchcraft they are diverting attention away from their original misdemeanours. We can see that the Proctors relationship is not very strong, they make petty small talk over dinner and don’t appear to be happy together. One reason for this may be that Elizabeth has not forgiven John for having an affair with Abigail whilst she was ill.  Whilst Mary was at court with the other girls where people were being tried for witchcraft she made a poppet for Elizabeth. Abigail was sitting next to Mary whilst she made it. By now 39 women had been arrested and Goody Osborn was sentenced to hanging.  Mary, who had always been a very shy, timid girl was now becoming very easily led along by Abigail and just as confused between fact and fantasy as the other girls and. This is apparent when she tells the Proctors that Sarah Good had confessed to having made contact with Lucifer, and that Sarah Goods spirit tried to choke her in the courtroom. Mary then speaks of even more fantasy when she says that terrible stomach pains had been inflicted upon her when she had turned the old woman away whilst she was begging. Mary also accused the old woman of mumbling a spell to her, but Sarah Good claimed it was not a spell, it were her commandments. The court asked her to repeat the commandments, but she could not. A close focus on act III of ‘The Crucible’. (2017, Oct 04).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Should fast food chains in the US be held legally and socially Research Paper

Should fast food chains in the US be held legally and socially responsible for contributing to consumer obesity because of failu - Research Paper Example The number of fast food chains has also been on the increase since the early 1970s with the number of operational food chain stores having doubled over the years (Schlosser 3). With this, researchers have blamed the increase in the number of fast food chains to blame for the increase in obesity reported cases across the US. However, two sides exist in the debate in which others argue that fast foods also allow people that have lower income rates or the homeless to access affordable food (Bagchi & Preuss 854). As much as critics have suggested that obesity and fast food chains have a direct correlation, it has been difficult to establish empirical evidence supporting or negating this fact hence making the debate to be inconclusive. With this as a basis, this research essay will delve intowhether fast foods are legally or socially responsible to blame for their influence on consumer obesity because they do not disclose the ingredients or calorie levels in the foods that they sell. Furt her, the essay will assess the ways in which this scenario is likely to affect the economy of the US in terms of profit generation and customer oriented services. Linking obesity and fast food establishments In a definition, obesity refers to having a condition in which a person’s body fat is more than 30% of the ideal body weight in relation to their height. Over the years, children with obesity have received a diagnosis of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and hypertension among a list of many other preventable diseases. In the past, these lifestyle conditions only afflicted adults but the emerging trend has been that children and young adults alike have developed these conditions over time. The costs of treating obesity related conditions have been soaring over the years and critics have shifted focus to the possible cause of obesity rather than preventing the gain of unnecessary body weight of the young population. For one, critics argue that f ast food chains are to blame for the increased rates of obesity because of the many offers that they give to their customers in order to edge out market competition for themselves. For instance, McDonalds and Burger King have in recent times introduced offers on oversized burgers as a way of reciprocating customer loyalty where they dished out large servings of fizzy drinks and French fries at discounted prices. Further, families that have incredible busy work schedules also rely on fast food for ready-cooked meals as they do not have time to prepare home cooked meals for their young ones. Therefore, many families rely on taking out from fast food establishments because of the convenience and the minimal costs attached to acquiring meals from these joints. Subsequently, the consumption of greasy foods on a regular basis without engaging in active physical exercises leads to increase in a person’s BMI hence making them to become obese. In relation to litigation suits, lawyers have sought to establish the link between obesity and fast food joints in the same way that they illustrated that tobacco companies are partly to blame for the increased rates of complications associated with cigarette smoking. The argument that lawyers present is that fast food companies sell greasy foods to unknowing consumers without disclosing the calorie percentage in the foods that they retail. Therefore, fast food compani

Gun Control Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gun Control Issue - Essay Example Holding a gun decreases the probability of attack. When people have weapons, criminals and juveniles have something to worry about. They are not the only ones with power. When they see that their victims have means of defense, they cut down on the violence. They then think before harming them because their own lives are at stake. In this way, fewer lives are lost than if people had no guns to protect themselves. If the latter was the case, criminals would go right ahead and shoot them because they themselves would have no loss of lives to worry about. To develop this point, a small-scale interview will be conducted. The population will be American citizens. The sample will contain two groups; 1) armed group and 2) unarmed group. A series of questions will be asked to educate the readers as to which group feels more secure and has had less trouble to deal with when it comes to criminals. Secondary data from different States will also be used before and after the changing of gun-contro l laws to find the degree of correlation between gun control and crime. There are over two hundred time-series and cross-sectional studies on gun-control (Lott, J.R., 2000). Secondly, I claimSecondly, I claim that if educated and reasonable people (who are not criminals) own guns, they are less likely to use it than if a juvenile has it. Even if everyone follows the realist approach and believe that they should hold guns and the total number of guns increase, there will still be less crime. This is because the population of normal people that own them, use them at most for self-defense. They do not use these to violate the constitution and create crime. Again, statistics will be used to show the probability of normal and reasonable people actually holding guns to do the crime. Finally, the third main point used to carry my statement is that the Supreme Court also supports it. If the Court believes that individuals should hold guns and if they have changed the gun-control laws countrywide, there must be a very good reason.  Ã‚  

Anti Death Penalty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Anti Death Penalty - Research Paper Example All states in United States of America have been granted freedom to choose whether to apply death penalty or not. In 1999, ninety-eight people were executed and about three thousand five hundred and sixty-five prisoners were on the death row in 2000. Death penalty is perceived differently by different members of the society. To some, capital punishment provides ultimate solution to reduce or eradicate the vice while to others, it is brutal and a disgrace to a civilized society. To understand the magnitude of death penalty, it is important to know the views of both the opponents and proponents of death penalty as a punishment to capital offenders. First, supporters of death penalty argue that capital punishment is a sure way of eliminating worst criminals and making the society safe. This is because when capital offenders are removed from the face of the earth through a judicial process, they are stopped from committing further worst crimes. Worst criminals must be executed because they may commit the same worst crimes if released back to the society or escape from prisons walls. Furthermore, they may commit worst crimes in the prisons that host them. Therefore, terminating their existence through the judicial process is considered appropriate. Secondly, death penalty is considered retribution. The families and friends of victims of murder or rape may feel that justice has been delivered by executing the perpetrators that caused death or anguish to their loved ones. The perpetrators deserve death because it is a punishment proportional to committed offenses. Thirdly, death penalty acts as a strong deterrent to potentially wor st criminals. This is true especially where execution is carried regularly and immediately. In Britain and United States of America, the rate of worst crimes such as murders reduced significantly when the death penalty was in force and regularly

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Discuss the representations of Queen Elizabeth I in contemporary Essay

Discuss the representations of Queen Elizabeth I in contemporary literary works and art - Essay Example She had come to the throne following the death of her half-sister Mary in 1588. It can be seen on the Art Web site Steven van der Meulen. It was possibly painted as part of Elizabeth’s quest for a husband as it was common to send such pictures to possible suitors. Earlier there had been the beautiful coronation portrait by an unknown artist, now in the National Portrait Gallery, in which she holds firmly the symbols of her power – the orb and sceptre. There are many more portraits of the Queen further on in her reign. Two portraits of 1565, linked to the web page Portrait of Elizabeth I, show her as almost masculine, perhaps because it was necessary to emphasize that this young woman was as capable as a male monarch. John Bettes the Younger painted a stern picture in the1580s. The queen’s gown, as in many other portraits, is covered with symbolic meaning – Tudor roses. In her hand she holds a staff with the fleur de lys at the top – symbol of the connection with France. In the Rainbow portrait by Isaac Oliver, now to be seen at Hatfield House, she is posing as Astraea, a virginal heroine. Her gown is richly embroidered with English wild flowers. Her pearls are a symbol of virginity and the crown symbolizes her royal status. The crescent above her crown is symbolic of the goddess of the moon. On her left arm is a snake, symbolizing wisdom and in its mouth a ruby, which represents the queen’s heart – the queen’s wisdom holds her emotions in check. The celestial sphere again is a symbol of wisdom and shows again that the Queen is in control of nature. All these works can be seen on the web pages ‘Portrait of Elizabeth I’. These are only a sample of many visual depictions. One of the most famous literary references to Elizabeth is in Spenser’s ‘Faerie Queen’ where she, as well as being in several allegorical roles, appears as the queen of the fairies. Fairies in Elizabethan times were not thought of

Entrepreneurship Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Entrepreneurship - Case Study Example ck estimates; the company provides a safe disposal avenue for both waste and residual stock, thereby not only reducing landfill waste, but also considerably diminishing the risk of land contamination while helping manufacturers and retailers contribute to a cleaner environment. In view of the million tonnes of waste produced by the UK food industry every year, the company is keen on expanding the amount of waste they manage to about 60,000 tonnes a year by the end of 2015, an expansion that seeks to achieve the company’s growth agenda of â€Å"more stock, more stores† (Corbishley & Gerry 4). With the expansion plans at hand, the company’s top leadership is faced with critical question of how to communicate their growth plan while retaining the support of their retail stakeholders. The company is faced with the challenge of sending consistent messages to its stakeholders as well as its retail partners, employees and the financial community, as a result of the discordance between the company’s old ‘trader’ model and its new stakeholder partnership model. Given that the company is now gradually shifting its focus from its old trader model to a client service model, it is necessary for the company to establish clear communication channels to promote flow of information from management to all stakeholders. The company’s leadership is also faced with the critical question concerning the type of governance structures to put in place to speed up decision-making while ensuring strategic alignment amongst the senior management staff. The company has to alter the manner in which it communicates its value proposition to foster long-term relationships with its suppliers, by identifying the particular aspects of the company’s business model that appeal to the suppliers and customizing these aspects for them. The company needs to put emphasis on relationship management as it embarks on the â€Å"more stock, more stores† growth agenda; the company must ensure that

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Anti Death Penalty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Anti Death Penalty - Research Paper Example All states in United States of America have been granted freedom to choose whether to apply death penalty or not. In 1999, ninety-eight people were executed and about three thousand five hundred and sixty-five prisoners were on the death row in 2000. Death penalty is perceived differently by different members of the society. To some, capital punishment provides ultimate solution to reduce or eradicate the vice while to others, it is brutal and a disgrace to a civilized society. To understand the magnitude of death penalty, it is important to know the views of both the opponents and proponents of death penalty as a punishment to capital offenders. First, supporters of death penalty argue that capital punishment is a sure way of eliminating worst criminals and making the society safe. This is because when capital offenders are removed from the face of the earth through a judicial process, they are stopped from committing further worst crimes. Worst criminals must be executed because they may commit the same worst crimes if released back to the society or escape from prisons walls. Furthermore, they may commit worst crimes in the prisons that host them. Therefore, terminating their existence through the judicial process is considered appropriate. Secondly, death penalty is considered retribution. The families and friends of victims of murder or rape may feel that justice has been delivered by executing the perpetrators that caused death or anguish to their loved ones. The perpetrators deserve death because it is a punishment proportional to committed offenses. Thirdly, death penalty acts as a strong deterrent to potentially wor st criminals. This is true especially where execution is carried regularly and immediately. In Britain and United States of America, the rate of worst crimes such as murders reduced significantly when the death penalty was in force and regularly

Entrepreneurship Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Entrepreneurship - Case Study Example ck estimates; the company provides a safe disposal avenue for both waste and residual stock, thereby not only reducing landfill waste, but also considerably diminishing the risk of land contamination while helping manufacturers and retailers contribute to a cleaner environment. In view of the million tonnes of waste produced by the UK food industry every year, the company is keen on expanding the amount of waste they manage to about 60,000 tonnes a year by the end of 2015, an expansion that seeks to achieve the company’s growth agenda of â€Å"more stock, more stores† (Corbishley & Gerry 4). With the expansion plans at hand, the company’s top leadership is faced with critical question of how to communicate their growth plan while retaining the support of their retail stakeholders. The company is faced with the challenge of sending consistent messages to its stakeholders as well as its retail partners, employees and the financial community, as a result of the discordance between the company’s old ‘trader’ model and its new stakeholder partnership model. Given that the company is now gradually shifting its focus from its old trader model to a client service model, it is necessary for the company to establish clear communication channels to promote flow of information from management to all stakeholders. The company’s leadership is also faced with the critical question concerning the type of governance structures to put in place to speed up decision-making while ensuring strategic alignment amongst the senior management staff. The company has to alter the manner in which it communicates its value proposition to foster long-term relationships with its suppliers, by identifying the particular aspects of the company’s business model that appeal to the suppliers and customizing these aspects for them. The company needs to put emphasis on relationship management as it embarks on the â€Å"more stock, more stores† growth agenda; the company must ensure that

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example for Free

Human Resource Management Essay Synopsis of Human Resource Management Project on HR Policies of Deepak Nitrite 1.1 About the Organization: Deepak Nitrite began with a vision to support the country’s drive towards self sufficiency and import substitution in 1970. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction, the company has set up Custom Manufacturing services to meet specific needs of end users. Our capabilities extend to the manufacture of high-value, specialty products either based on our own end products or developed especially for our users. 1.2 Human Resource Policies: Human Resource Policies refers to principles and rules of conduct which â€Å"formulate, redefine, break into details and decide a number of actions† that govern the relationship with employees in the attainment of the organization objectives. 1.2.1 Formulating Policies: There are five principal sources for determining the content and meaning of policies. 1.2.2 Benefits of HR Policies: Established policies ensure consistent treatment of all personnel throughout the organization. Favoritism and discrimination are, thereby, minimized. 1.2.3 Principle of HR Policies: †¢Principle of individual development †¢Principle of scientific selection †¢Principle of free flow of communication †¢Principle of participation †¢Principle of fair remuneration 1.3 HR Policies at Deepak Nitrite Limited 1.3.1 Objectives of HR Policies: The company aims to fulfill the following objectives through its HR Policies: †¢Ensure a high degree of selectivity in recruitment so as to secure super achievers and nurture them to excel in their performance. †¢Impart such induction, orientation and training as to match the individual to the task and inculcate a high sense of organizational loyalty. 1.3.2 HR Policies for Various HR Procedures: †¢Recruitment Policy: In Deepak Group, recruitment and selection of personnel is explicitly based on the criteria of their knowledge, skills and attitudes, so as to secure super achievers and nurture them to excel in their performance. †¢Induction and Placement Policy: At Deepak Group, new recruits imparted such induction, orientation, training and placement so as to individuals to the task and inculcate a high sense of organizational loyalty. †¢Job Rotation Policy: At Deepak Group, facilities are provided for all-round growth of individuals through lateral mobility. This shall enhance their employability as well as equip them to shoulder higher responsibilities. †¢Performance Appraisal Policy: Performance Appraisal grooms every individual to realize his potential in all facets by helping to identify and achieve his personal goals within the framework of organizational objectives. †¢Counseling: Counseling sessions, which are conducted by HR Department OR Professional Counselor OR Performance Appraiser, are available to all the employees †¢Career Planning Policy: Career Planning system in Deepak Group is aimed at developing people of the right caliber to meet present and future needs of the organization. It shall be an essential ingredient for Succession Planning. †¢Succession Planning Policy: HODs and above identify successors, primary and secondary, to his position at the time of annual appraisal. This is reviewed every year along with the annual appraisal. †¢Training and Development Policy: At Deepak Group, training and development activities strive to ensure continuous growth of organization by nurturing the strengths of the employees and providing the environment and opportunity for every individual to realize his/her potential. †¢Human Resource Information Management System: An integrated employee database is maintained and continuously updated with information from personnel at regular intervals regarding biographical data, work experience, qualifications, appraisal, training and career paths. †¢Retirement Planning: At Deepak Group, retirement of all individuals is aided through planned programs by HR Department so as to lessen the associated misgivings and anxiety. †¢Job Enrichment: Deepak Group follows a people centered approach to job enrichment with a view to enhance the performance of the employee, leading to higher job satisfaction. †¢Exit Interview Policy: Feedback is obtained from the employee on occasions of separation from the organization.

Monday, October 14, 2019

What Are Web Analytics Information Technology Essay

What Are Web Analytics Information Technology Essay Web analytics is reporting and analysis of data on website visitor activity. It is not only a tool to measure web traffic but also can be used as a tool for business and market research. Techniques used to access and improve the contribution of e-marketing to a business, such as referrals, clickstreams, online research data, customer satisfaction surveys, leads and sales. Thus, marketers use web analytics exploring data and reports to build their knowledge on customers preference and behavior according to types of sites, which areas customers click more often when they online. It also helps marketer understand their customers better and improve their business performance. (Dykes, 2012) Marketers wanting to conduct web-analytics have to first go through the following stages. (Figure I) These are three stages that they need to concern when setting up a web analytic tool. The analysis is the ticket for them move from Steupland to Actionland. It is the isolating of meaningful and actionable insights in data and reports that when acted upon by your organization can drive business value. (Dykes, 2012) Alignment stage: At this early planning stage, it is necessary for marketer to gather their business objectives and capture stakeholders online behavior by their online measurement strategy. Clearly understand measurement strategy and well analyze visitors is critical to success. Thus, marketers have to carefully handling relevant and meaningful data which will directly affect the business in the long-term. (Dykes, 2012) Collection stage: At this point of stage, large companies may spend amount of time on technical implementation such as multiple web domains and online marketing initiatives. (Dykes, 2012) Reporting stage: This is the last stage for companies move from Setupland to Actionland. This stage is important where you create report and distribute them to organization using a manual or preferably automated approach. (Dykes, 2012) TOOLS AND METHODS USED TO HELP MARKETER There are two types of web analytics, on-site and off-site web analytics. (Figure II) ON-SITE ANALYTICS On-site web analytics is used for marketers to measure a visitors activity when he browses on your website. This includes its drivers and conversations, for example which ads on landing page encourage more people to purchase and which title of information visitors click most. This data is used to analysis visitors online behavior and can be used to improve website or marketing campaigns audience response. Simply, on-site web analytics tools are used to analysis and measure behaviors of visitors journey and actual visitor traffic arriving on your website. For example, which landing page encourage visitors to make a purchase, what links visitors clicked on (from search engine to get to the site or came there directly) to the site, and time they spent and stayed on given page. Therefore, On-site web analytics measures of website in a commercial context. For the business, website became more important than ever before, it handles more information. Companies also need to know if their marketing campaigns are working on internet-based, just like John Shumway, the global vice president of product management at Akamai says marketing people are increasingly driving the need for we analytics. (Dave Chaffey, 2003) Firms can conduct on-site web-analytics through the following ways: Analytics Software Produced by Companies Some companies such as WebTrends and Google Analytics produce web analytics software that converts data by using combination of tables and graphs. It automatically monitors your websites traffic and highlights any significant changes,  thus, managers can easily understand and analysis the effectiveness of their campaigns. And, where visitors come from and which pages retain visitors the longest, and also, track visitors progress s they click though the site. As seen on Figure II.1. (Dave Chaffey, 2003) (Figure II.1) It can be simply shows daily visit on your website, type on traffic and time on site by country. Other technologies for data collection Other technologies companies used for data collection are eye tracking system and mouse tracking analytics. It is a key method for testing visitors behavior and areas they focus more often when they on a web page, and both eye tracking and e mouse tracking analytics studies offer businesses accurate and actionable results. Therefore, the result can be used to improve a web site or marketing campaigns audience response. Eye tracking system is utilized by many top enterprises such as Google. This tracking system uses specialist software to track internet visitors where the eyes land on a webpage. As shown on Figure II.2, Heatmaps areas are visitors look on more frequent on the webpage. (Ronan de Kervenoael, 2013) (Figure II.2) Similar to eye tracking system, Mouse tracking analytics  follows the mouse movements of internet users to simulate eye movement on a webpage. As seen on Figure II.3, the denser of the area is, visitor put more attention on that area of the web page. (Figure II.3) From the research, it has shown when both methods of testing are conducted simultaneously, in the result, they find out exactly what the visitors look at on the page which contains 84%-88% accuracy. In addition, both method of tracking analytics deliver valuable information to managers about visitors involvement and engagement with your website. This is vital to work out what changes you need to make in order to benefit your visitors experience as well as improve the website. (ClickTale, 2010) OFF-SITE ANALYTICS Off-site analytics data can be obtained for any website-including your competitors and partners. Which means is analysis the internet as a whole for the websites. Thus, the key differences of off-site web analytics measures from your potential audience (opportunity), share of voice (visibility), and buzz (comments). Unlikely to on-site web analytics only captures what happens when visitors visit and engage with your website, by using various technologies to help monitor and analysis website to create meaningful actions and results. However, as social website becomes more popular and ascendant channel for internet users, and everything becomes more transparent on social web, organization information are shared, spread on it, thus, through this platform, marketers are able to measure the latest buzz about website or is important for marketers to monitor not only what happens on the website but also outside of your website. Improving from what other people are saying about the company and provide products and services match customers requires. Off-site Web Analytics solutions can help businesses stay on the leading edge of overall trends.  (Monitoring Buzz With Off-Site Web Analytics, 2010) Firms can conduct off-site web-analytics through the following available software: Alexa and Compete There are numbers of web analytics software provided service to measure your competitors how much and what type of traffic are garnering to their site. Alexa  and  Compete are two free services help marketers to find top-level information, including the top searches people used to find the site, as well as traffic comparisons versus other Websites. For more comparison capabilities and a deeper level of demographic information, marketer can just simply upgrades their account. Similar to Alexa  and  Compete system offerings monitor and aggregate a wide swath of Web traffic, paid services from  Quantcast  and  Nielsen NetRatings also provide analytics tools and research related to online audiences, as well as online ad buying and selling. As by shown example of how Alexa provide services for marketers by monitoring and aggregating a wide swath of Web traffic from multiple sources to develop estimates for overall ranking and other factors. On the table 1 below, shows top 5 sites on the web. According to off-site web analytics is measuring about your competitors and monitoring the internet as whole website, it is obvious for marketers to analysis the market, so that company can generate more sales, reduce marketing costs, enhance campaign performance, provide better user experience, and reach specific target segments. As well as on table, more specific shows competitor daily/monthly search traffic and top queries from search traffic and more other details. Thus, research on your competitors and understand their strategy, is the advantages for the company to take step forward than others in the market. (Table 1) (Table 2) Co Tweet and HootSuite There are other tools like  CoTweet  and  HootSuite  are relative newcomers to the market when they looking further out into the social web. Especially for small and medium-size business that use tools to monitoring and engaging with social web. It started as management tools Twitter, but they are now expanding their support for other social channels such as Facebook and LinkedIn. It simply for an organization tracks the effectiveness of multiple marketing efforts in multiple social channels, and also from platforms. Because social web such as Twitter and Facebook, it creates more effective buzz to a company. Therefore, this platform is critical important for for small and medium-size business to enhance awareness. CoTweet is a web-based  social media management  and  analytics  tool. With CoTweet you can not only manage clicks on content you publish within the application, but also integrate any web analytics platforms with campaign codes and shortened URLs. Just like Bobowski believes it provides closed-loop reporting and allows marketers to associate revenue and other success metrics to social media activity. (Peters, 2011) As shown table below, CoTweet also provides updates and follow-up messages to be assigned to specific social media managers. Different knowledge of social media managers can responses immediately to appropriate questions and comments from followers, which shows to followers that there are person behind responding the questions. Also, from the questions and buzz marketers will know who he is talking with if question arise for as specific tweet. It helps marketers collected more accurate data and responded visitors needs. CONCLUSION This report has shown that Web continues to have growing importance in marketing efforts, therefore on-site and off-site Web Analytics solutions will likely become more crucial tools that lead to greater business success. This is supported by the number of toolset made available to businesses of all sizes to monitor and analyze web traffic on their sites in order to determine what is happening not only throughout the rest of the Web ecosystem but also in social media. Appendix There are other different online metrics collection methods that help marketers for analysis and understand visitors and purchasers. ID Technique Strengths Weaknesses 1 Server-based logfile analysis of site activity (web analytics) Directly records customer behavior on site plus where they were referred from Low cost Doesn t directly record channel satisfaction   Undercounting and over counting   Misleading unless interpreted carefully 2 Browser-based site activity data (web analytics) Greater accuracy than server-based analysis Counts all users, unlike the panel approach Similar weaknesses to server based technique apart from accuracy 2-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Limited demographic information 3 Panels activity and demographic data Provides competitor comparisons Gives demographic profiling Avoids undercounting and over counting Depends on extrapolation from limited sample that may not be representative 4 Outcome data, e.g. enquiries, sales, customer service e-mails Records marketing outcomes Difficulty of integrating data with other methods of data collection when collected manually or in other information systems 5 Online questionnaires Customers are prompted randomly every  n  th customer or after customer activity or by e-mail Can record customer satisfaction and profiles Relatively cheap to create and analyze Difficulty of recruiting respondents who complete accurately Sample bias tend to be advocates or disgruntled customers who complete 6 Online focus groups; synchronous recording Relatively cheap to create Difficult to moderate and co-ordinate   No visual cues as from offline focus groups 7 Mystery shoppers. Example customers are recruited to evaluate the site, e.g. Strstructured tests give detailed feedback Also tests integration with other channels such as e-mail and phone Relatively expensive   Sample must be representative